
A Song for Ely’s 16th Birthday

A Grandfather’s (Papa’s) Reflection:

When they’re young, we are the center of their world. It’s an addictive kind of love—whether you’re a parent or a grandparent. But as they grow, their universe expands, and our slice of it becomes smaller. It’s not about our importance, but rather the space we occupy in their ever-widening lives.

Perhaps it’s a little selfish to miss the days when they needed us most, but every parent and grandparent understands the feeling. And yet, we wouldn’t have it any other way. Life moves in cycles—each one bringing in new experiences, new people, and new paths to follow. As I sing in my song, “I’d have it no other way.”

Ely is growing into an amazing young woman, and I am truly blessed to share in her journey. She will have many friends, many experiences, and many new allegiances throughout her life—most of which I will know little about. But she will have only one Papa, and I carry that title with joy and pride.

I bought her first guitar, taught her her first chords, and have seen the artist in her begin to bloom—a creator who brings beauty into the world. And today, I celebrate her.

Happy 16th Birthday, Ely. This song is for you.

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