A First – I’m pretty sure
Today, a unique picture was taken. We did it in the spur of the moment – my daughter-in-law, Malika, snapped it.
I believe this is the first picture ever taken, along our own Risley lineage, of 4 generations of Risley males, all with the name Risley, in a single pose. Here stands great granddad (Uncle Guy), granddad (Papa), Dad (Daddy) and the newest Risley – Nathan.
We are verifying a few things – did my Great Granddad, Paul Risley, have any brothers? We are also checking one other line. But if it pans out, we’ll be able to say, with confidence, that this is the first on the Risley line all the way back to Nathan’s great-great-great-great granddad.
I am not into genealogy, but verifying this one little fact is one I find worth pursuing.
Why do I care? I have no idea. It’s just neat to have something like this which is truly a first.
If we can keep my Dad out of trouble (not an easy task) we might be able to make it 5 generations in about 20 years.
No pressure intended on Dad or Nathan. But it is all up to you two.
David and I have done our jobs – well at least I have – Dave’s still got to raise the kid.
What a nice photo that will be a good souvenir.
We did it too, with my great grandmother, grandmother, mother and me.
Long life to you all!
Karin from France
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