All things Family

Aunt Joy

Aunt Joy

This week we lost our beloved Aunt Joy. She was my father’s sister. I wrote this  on Aunt Joy’s obituary: None can be truly summarized by the single word or idea. Beings have nearly infinite and unending qualities. But the single word that occurs to me, a word that describes this wonderful person, my Aunt…

Happy Birthday to Kim

It is a precious circumstance that I share my life with a superlative being.  I did not know or suspect that such a beautiful, marvelous, extraordinary, phenomenal,  and remarkable person might exist. She is my best friend, my boundless confidant, my supporter, my lover – the person with whom I share nearly every waking hour…


My Ring

Jewelry has never been something that I value much. I  skipped the bracelets and the necklaces for the most part – other than to perhaps buy something for a significant other. I do like watches but recently purchased a Timex to replace my broken Citizen’s watch (paid $35 for it) and have liked that watch…


I am NOT a cat person. But I could be accurately called an “animal” person. Cats have, to me, always been a bit mysterious; a bit too independent for my blood. It seemed that they really could care less about whether we are around or not. Well this cat, the one that, basically, owns us;…