All things Family



Early memories are difficult to sort, at times. The fleeting pictures with differing indices of backgrounds. “Was that there – or maybe there?” or “Had I lost my first tooth yet?” My memories of Mom seem to start with a hand. How interesting. It was a hand pulling a sled. I recall laying in that…


A Poem to Son

In 1986 I was in my office after having just spent a few moments with my two sons, David and Bryan, then about 8 and 4. They had come into my office to find out what I was doing. They were excited about an upcoming camping trip in our motor home. It was one of…

Another Generation

As members of the human race, each of us should be forgiven for that occasional romp into the world of baby pictures.  There is no more universally shunned venture than to be  coerced into the viewing of these common images.  Well…..except for one’s own baby.  Come on, that one is really special; can’t we all…