Happy Birthday, Dad
How can any of us begin to show the proper appreciation for our parents.
I absolutely know that not everyone is as lucky as I’ve been; blessed with two of the most wonderful parents a person could have. One has passed – and I plan a tender tribute to her in the pages of this blog – in due time.
This was done June 30, 2009 Tribute to Mom
The other, my father, lives on; and is so full of life that I can scarcely believe that he is actually turning 80 years of age this month.
There are few that I know with his innate optimism; his desire to live – and I don’t mean only be alive. I mean live; pursue; attack; change; grow; save; spend – you name it.
My purpose here is not to describe, fully, this man; but to simply wish him a happy birthday.
And I make a firm invitation:
“You are hereby invited to attend your 90th birthday bash. RSVP in 9 years and 11 months. I’ll relay to you , one month prior, my current phone number (or whatever contrivance we use for phones in that day) for your confirmation. —- It’ll be a blast.“
Have a wonderful 80th, Dad. And have fun in life till till we have that 90th birthday bash.
Enjoy the short video/animation I did for Dad.
Update: We lost my father in 2016. He made it to the age of 88.
I wrote and performed this in 2008, for my Father’s 80th Birthday. I liked that haunting quality of the intro and outro pieces. One of Dad’s favorite songs was NOLA, and that is what is hinted at as he comes out of the floor of the stage. Fun stuff. BTW, the faces (Dad’s and Mine) were imprinted to the animated figures. This was all done without AI.