Our Problems in a Nutshell
My Musings on a Saturday Morning
1. Corporate Influence on Wealth & Ethics
- Most production, and therefore wealth, in our country comes from corporations. Though owned by individuals, corporations function as collective entities driven solely by profit.
- Unlike individuals, who navigate ethics across all aspects of life, corporations adhere only to financial ethics—what serves their bottom line.
2. Government’s Role in Wealth & Power
- The government derives revenue from taxing producers and from monetary manipulation (e.g., Federal Reserve policies) that detach money from real economic value.
- To maintain power, government supports corporate interests in exchange for financial backing, fostering crony capitalism.
3. The Cycle of Political Control
- Lawmakers secure votes by redistributing wealth from producers to non-producers, ensuring electoral support.
- Corporations, controlling major media, amplify distractions, divisive narratives, and selective viewpoints, keeping the public confused and disengaged.
4. The Resulting Stagnation
- People remain trapped in a cycle of confusion, passive consumption, and manipulated political participation.
- While corporations are not inherently bad, unchecked cronyism, economic manipulation, and controlled education systems are the root of national decline.
The Core Issues & Their Solutions
1. Monetary Reform
- The Federal Reserve must be abolished or restructured, tying money to tangible commodities.
- Fiat money enables artificial economic manipulation, weakening the system.
- Money must reflect real productivity and confidence in economic exchange.
- Update: February 2025. Bitcoin, a finite commodity, free from government control or that of any entity, has come about since this article was originally written. It is very promising.
2. Economic Incentives & Taxation
- Rewarding non-production weakens society.
- Laws must align with the principle that productivity should be encouraged and penalizing it (e.g., progressive taxation) should end.
- Wealth transfers from producers to non-producers create dependency and diminish overall prosperity.
3. Education Reform
- The education system must be restored to its fundamental purpose: enabling survival and competence.
- Learning should focus on practical application, logical reasoning, and data evaluation rather than indoctrination.
- Education should be based in understanding of words, practical application and approaches that are not so steep a gradient as to leave folks behind.
- Humanities should be taught as perspectives, not absolute truths.
- Psychology must be exposed as an ideological framework rather than a science.
- Drugging children for behavior management should cease.
- True literacy and self-reliance must be restored.
Fixing monetary policy, economic incentives, and education will naturally correct the broader systemic issues. Calls for term limits or tax policy tweaks miss the root causes. A functional system relies on able individuals playing on a level field, not manipulated actors in a rigged game.
Ken Risley 5 October 2013 – updated Feb 2025