Life and other Matters

Whether Thomas Aquinas (c. 1224-1274) debated over how many angels could dance on the head of a pin, or not, isn’t important in itself. It is interesting, however, to consider the type of  arguments which can ensue. Our interest in such discourse is not so much the merits of the specific arguments but in the…


If I am doing my job right, this should the only post that will be under the category “Bric-a-brac”. What the heck does that mean? From the Random House College Dictionary (my favorite) the definition is, “Miscellaneous small articles of antiquarian, decorative, or other interest.” Well alrighty then. This page has done a great thing….

Oshkosh – a pilgrimage

Kim and I flew to Oshkosh. Our airplane was loaded to the gill with the rear seat mostly hidden by camping and other baggage which we likely could have gotten along without nicely. What do they say? “Take half the luggage and take twice the money”. Ha – I found a listing of our expenses:Was…