Sailing Trip from Tampa to Key West
A few years ago my dad wanted to use that sailboat that had been sitting behind his home. So the plan was hatched to take her out and down to Key West.
I quickly offered for Kim and I to help crew the boat. I asked my son, David and Bryan, if the would like to come along and to my astonishment both were willing and were able to get free.
Bryan had a new gal, Joanna (later to be his wife), but he bravely left her behind to join us. David, busy as always, made his own arrangements.
We had sailed together in the Virgin Island – so this was a great opportunity to do it again.
Since Betty is not a big water person, she was relieved to have a boat load of able bodied folks to help out.
I shot and edited this video. It is a bit long, but it is here for any who are interested.
February 2025 Update: I just came across and reposted this video today. We lost my father on February 3rd, 2017. He was 88 years old. This makes this a might special video with Dad, myself, my sons, David and Bryan, Dad’s wife and companion, Betty, and my love, Kim. This was before we were married.