The Full Circle of Twitter
I enjoy Twitter quite a bunch. It works if one participates. Here is one guy’s experience:
- He sits in his room – no one to talk to. Quiet . Alone with his thoughts.
- He discovers Twitter.
- He looks at it, but puts it off.
- Later he looks again, and, for the heck of it, joins it.
- There’s no one to read. He sits alone.
- So he follows someone. Hey, someone to read.
- He follows another. Another to read. Not much – but he sees everything written.
- So he follows more and more. And gets more followers. Lots to read. And he reads most of them.
- And he follows more. And more follow back. And now the trickle of the little tweets forms a stream. But he manages to see many. But certainly not all.
- And he follows more. And more follow back. And the stream becomes a river. He is now seeing a smaller portion of the messages. But he occasionally sees one – or a few. “Wow that was nice.”
- So he tweets and retweets.
- And the river becomes a torrent. But he is seeing less and less. The mass of tweets becomes more than his two eyes can see.
- So he gets Tweetdeck. It helps.
- But he then gets multiple rivers – each becoming a torrent.
- He now has 1000’s and 1000’s of followers.
- The cacophony of begins to feel and look like the march of ants marching across a desert – near impossible to focus upon any one.
- So, one day, he sits at the computer, and thinks of his innumerable followers.
- And he writes, “hi”.
- He tweets this out to his throngs.
- Tick – tock – tick – tock
- No one responds.
- More time…..
- Did anyone hear?
- The sun moves through the sky….
- Nothing. The tweet stream moving along – the bits of data flowing by with no hint of recognition.
- And then it hits him. He hasn’t read too many tweets lately, either – though they flow in like the water from Niagara.
- And, suddenly, he feels alone.
- And thus he sits in his room – no one to talk to. Quiet. Alone with his thoughts.
Hey – it’s just a story. 🙂
Ken Risley
Clever insight. We are all trying to figure this out.